Why Is This Important?

Posidonia meadows serve as:
a) Biodiversity hotspots: Home to a wide variety of marine species, they are crucial breeding grounds and nurseries for fish and other sea creatures.
b) Coastal protection: The meadows reduce coastal erosion by stabilizing sediments and protecting shorelines.
c) Climate regulation: By absorbing carbon, these meadows help combat global warming.

How Our Guests Can Help

Guests can play an important role in protecting these fragile ecosystems by:
a) Anchoring responsibly: Avoiding no-anchor zones, especially in areas where Posidonia is present, and using mooring buoys when available.
b) Minimizing waste: Reducing plastic use and properly disposing of waste helps prevent marine pollution.
c) Participating in marine conservation: Joining beach clean-ups or supporting local conservation projects.

What We Are Doing as a Yacht Charter Company

a) No-Anchor Policy in Protected Areas: We strictly adhere to and promote no-anchor zones to protect Posidonia meadows. We educate our guests on the importance of using mooring buoys and provide detailed maps highlighting protected areas.
b) Sustainable Yacht Operations: We are continuously working on reducing our carbon footprint by using fuel-efficient navigation practices and supporting hybrid and electric yacht technologies.
c) Waste Management: We have implemented a zero-waste policy onboard, encouraging guests to use reusable water bottles and eliminate single-use plastics.
d) Marine Conservation Partnerships: We collaborate with local conservation organizations and support marine protection initiatives.
e) Raising Awareness: We provide all our guests with educational materials on marine conservation, including the significance of protecting Posidonia meadows, and encourage sustainable travel behavior.

Together, we can make a positive impact and ensure that the beauty and health of the Adriatic Sea are preserved for future generations.

For more information, you can explore the national map of marine habitats here: https://bioportal.hr/gis/

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